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New Skills: Gas Blending Course in April

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If you’d like to be diving on nitrox this summer, then it’s best to learn how to blend your own gas.

Dacorum Scuba is running a BSAC Nitrox Gas Blender Skill Development Course soon. The course has two parts: the theory session will be on the afternoon of 14 April; the practical session will be on 28 April. There is a cost for the course pack and oxygen is charged at club rates.

Spaces are limited for the practical session, as it’s time consuming.

You need to be competent and confident at filling cylinders with air independently before the blending practical.

Hopefully two of the club’s cylinders will be in oxygen service before the practical session, so they can be used for the practical if you don’t have your own oxygen-clean cylinders.

Let Training Office Lindsey know asap if you’re keen by emailing training@dacorumsac.org.uk

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