Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Our Club

Wave Shape
Our club is run by the members for the members. We are also members of the British Sub Aqua Club. BSAC is internationally recognised and regulates all our training, also setting rules for safe diving and policies for our welfare.

As with all clubs, the more you put in the more you will get out. Contributing to the club by organising dive trips or serving on the committee or generally playing a full part in the life of the club will get you to meet the other members and make lots of new friends.

Our training

We are extraordinarily lucky have nationally qualified instructors at all the BSAC instructor grades, from Assistant Diving Instructor to National Instructor and Instructor Trainers. This means you get some of the best training around.

We train club members to be skilled, safe and well-rounded divers. We provide our trainees with all the scuba equipment needed to train in the pool. When going into Open Water you may be able to borrow kit from other members, or we can give you advice on what to buy.

Not only do we offer basic scuba training, but additional skill development courses, such as First Aid for Divers, Oxygen Administration, Underwater Photography and Wreck Appreciation. Our well qualified instructors can also offer technical courses, such as Twin Set, Accelerated Decompression Procedures, and even rebreather training.

Our members

Our members range from trainees to First Class Divers, and come from all walks of life. They include technical divers, who dive very deep, but most are recreational divers diving in the Sports Diver range. Most club trips involve dives to a maximum depth of 35m, so you will soon be able to join in all the activities.

Visit BSAC.com