Wave Shape
Wave Shape

CANCELLED Portland, Dorset, with Waverider

Waves Shape
When 20th October
Event CANCELLED Portland, Dorset, with Waverider
Time All day
Location Portland, Dorset
CANCELLED due to adverse weather

Join us for a day’s diving on (hardboat) Waverider out of Portland Marina, just beyond Weymouth, on Sunday 20 October.

Suitable for Ocean Diver levels and above, this is a two-dive trip with ropes-off at a very civilized 10.45am. 

Just three hours drive from Hemel, with ample parking and great facilities, Portland Marina offers a lovely introduction to hardboat diving if you’ve not done it before. Suit hire is also possible from this facility.

Planned diving is the Bat’s Head Reef scenic dive and another (likely drift) dive to follow, before heading back into harbour.

Contact chairman John if you’re interested in joining.

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