Cost £10
Meet: 7.30pm for an introduction at the cricket club, followed by a practical session at the deep pool from 9pm to 10pm.
Snorkelling is a great sport for gaining water confidence and getting fit. If you have never tried snorkelling before, then the best place to start is at an Experience Snorkelling session with Dacorum Scuba, your local BSAC club. This is a fun trial session in the swimming pool, where a nationally qualified BSAC instructor will introduce you to the basic snorkelling kit and in-water snorkelling skills.
Come and try it.
Please note: Snorkel diving, whether in a swimming pool or in open water, is an activity that requires general physical fitness and good health. It can also do much to generate these conditions, and improve swimming ability and watermanship.
However, anyone with a history of diabetes, black-outs (epilepsy, etc.) perforated eardrums, grommets, high blood pressure or heart disease, any lung or respiratory disorder, dependence on drugs or who has tested positive for Covid-19 should not contemplate taking up this sport without first discussing their suitability to do so with their local doctor (GP).
Try Dives cost just £20.
Book your try dive now, or for further enquiries please contact us.
The minimum age for try dives is 12 years and if you’re under 18, a parent or guardian needs to give permission and be present on the evening.