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Autumn Try Dives Enjoyed by All

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Dacorum Scuba held two successful try dives recently, on 5 September and 3 October. Visitors to the club, who book the try dive in advance, get a chance to try out scuba kit in the pool and experience what it’s like being underwater.

Club members help out both in and out of the pool; it’s a team effort making sure everyone has kit set up, appropriate sized masks and fins and has completed all the required paperwork.

We’d like to say a massive thanks to all who helped out to make the evenings a success, in and out of the water, and we congratulate our try-divers on getting wet and discovering scuba.

It’s always fun to see our visitors take to the water so well.

Thanks to Training Officer Lindsey for organising and coordinating on the night.

Check out the full gallery of photos from 3 October try dive

New to diving? Would you like to attend a try dive in future?

Try Dives cost just £20.

Book your try dive now, or for further enquiries please contact us.

Please note: the minimum age for try dives is 12 years and if you’re under 18, a parent or guardian needs to give permission and be present on the evening.

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