Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Change to Social Meeting Venue, 4 & 11 November

Waves Shape

The committee has been informed that the cricket club will be closed for the next two weeks to have the toilets refurbished.

While that’s happening, we plan to continue our face-to-face our Thursday social meetings at The Red Lion, (London Rd, Hemel Hempstead,HP3 9TD), which is just around the corner from the compressor shed.  It isn’t usually very busy on a Thursday evening and there is plenty of space to socialise (and comfy sofas) so we hope members will join us there.

4 November is a pool night, but it’s less than a 10 minute drive from the Red Lion to the leisure centre.

4 November

Social meeting: 7.30pm
Pool session (deep pool): 9pm-10pm

11 November

Social meeting only: 7.30pm

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