On Saturday 8 April 2023 there was a club dive trip to Stoney Cove, an inland site in Leicestershire, followed by a meal at Nemo’s Bar on site. It was a glorious spring day, plenty of warm sunshine and the site wasn’t too busy.
Nine divers got in the water. Dive conditions were pretty average for early in the season. The viz was variable; on the six-metre shelf it was quite bitty, it was better deeper around the Stanegarth. The water temperature was 6 degrees at 20m and the fish are starting to come back from the depths. The aircraft cockpit was full of juvenile perch and several pike was spotted around the 6m shelf, including one particularly fine megapike near the pub. Some training objectives were met too.
The pub was popular and the bar queues long, but the table staff were helpful, the food tasty and the Cadburys Creme Egg cheesecake, served in half a chocolate egg, went down particularly well.
Thanks to: Diving Officer Kevin for organising the day; Training Coordinator Lindsey for supervising a bit of training alongside her open water swim; Ed for keeping us in order while honing his assistant dive manager skills; and everyone who came along to dive or just to be sociable.