In an informal session after the club meeting on Thursday 27 October, experienced technical diver Bob talked to a circle of divers about his experiences with dive computers, from entry-level models to top technical choices.
Bob explored the features of different types of dive computers, and when they might (or might not) be appropriate for the diving that you’re currently doing. He also suggested keeping an eye on the diving you plan to do in the future. Bob touched on the decompression models in use and the conservatism choices available, although all present agreed that this was a subject for a complete presentation in itself.
Club members who were considering buying a dive computer were able to ask Bob about all aspects, from features of dive computers, air integration, and how to make a cost-effective choice.
The Suunto range, from the entry-level Zoops owned by the club upwards, were mentioned as an example of a whole range of models from recreational (one gas at a time), through rec-tec (allowing some gas switching, better dive planning) to full technical models (for open and closed circuit) that allow detailed dive and bailout planning. The OSTC computer from Heinrichs Weicamp got praise for the choice of deco models available; but nothing in it is replaceable due to its potted construction. On the other hand, Shearwater got praise for everything being replaceable on its models. The audience had the chance to see Shearwater‘s NERD (near eye remote display) in action.
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