Dacorum Scuba held a second AGM of 2022 on Thursday 24 November, following a change in the reporting period agreed at the earlier AGM in April. Approximately 20 members came along to Hemel Hempstead Cricket Club, grabbing a drink from the bar before settling down to start the meeting at 19:45.
Members heard detailed reports from the Chairperson, Diving Officer (presented by Lindsey), Treasurer, Equipment Officer, Compressor Officer and Secretary.
Equipment Officer Stuart resigned, having provided distinguished service not only in that role but many prior committee roles, and was gratefully thanked by all the members.
A new committee was elected. The statutory officers of the club are:
Members especially welcomed James H to his new role as Equipment Officer.
Compressor Officer Bob was belatedly presented with the “Roger Greenway Cannon Award for Outstanding Effort”, an award he received in 2019 for rebuilding the compressor, but the club was unable to locate the trophy at the time.
A motion to keep one J cylinder of oxygen in the Gas Shed over winter (November to March) was discussed and passed unanimously.
Reports, agenda and previous approved AGM minutes are available on the club’s google drive, in the members’ area. For help to access the google drive, visit the club resources section.