With blustery winds cancelling boats around the coast, several Dacorum members felt they’d definitely made the right choice by heading off to Stoney for some practice dives and training on Saturday 19 August. By the end of the day they could say congratulations to our newest Ocean Diver Yue on completing her training and starting on her diving journey.
Overseen by one member working on his own Sport Diver certification, a group headed off to the cold and dark hydrobox. Hitting a depth of 35m and 8⁰C, the “pitch black” didn’t quite reflect surface conditions but they managed decent 40+-minute dives.
A second group were briefed and headed off for Ocean Diver training exercises. A large pike and busy shoals inside the cockpit as well as groups of large perch midwater made for some good points of interest. Soon everything was completed and signed off, and a new Ocean Diver gained her fins.
“It was a really great day in Stoney Cove. I did two dives with John and wrapped up my Ocean Diver qualification successfully. The vis was actually lovely that day, especially during the first dive. All kinds of beautiful fishes, big or small, all colourful. And yes, I did it! Ocean Diver now!
“I started my scuba diving journey at the start of June, with encouragement from my husband, David, who’s currently training as a Sports Diver. From then on, either in the pool or open water, I thoroughly enjoyed my experience with the magical underwater world. I can conquer my fear with open water. I can challenge myself to do more.
“Scuba diving really refreshes my understanding of myself and our nature. Big thanks go to the wonderful wonderful Dacorum Scuba Diving club, my instructors: Paul, Kristina, Andy, John, James, and in fact everyone in the club who’s been so kind and helpful. And of course, Training Officer Lindsey who’s always there for us, and David who introduced me to this extraordinary sport. I’m hoping to train as Sports Diver as my next step. Meanwhile, happy diving!”