As a heatwave was preparing to hit the UK and with temperatures already soaring, a group of Dacorum Scuba members headed off to the inland dive site at Stoney Cove, Leicestershire, for a day of training, diving and practice. Skills were ticked off and qualifications gained during a busy dive plan. Assistant dive management training ran alongside the diving activities. One instructor took advantage of a surface interval for a quick cooling swim around the quarry.
Large shoals of fish under the bus stop were an unexpected highlight for one dive pair. The wreck of the Stanegarth seemed to be the focal point of the day, with most groups visiting the tugboat once or twice during the session. For several of the divers, it was both their first and second dive ever to the wreck at around 20m, and cabin swimthroughs were a hit.
A junior member (contrasting the wreck to broken-up wrecks she had previously visited) said: “It was quite creepy when we went inside so I used my torch, but it felt like we were just on a large boat above ground and just walking around on the deck.”
The underwater viz was initially decent but, given the volume of divers at Stoney on a busy Sunday, it deteriorated substantially towards the end of the day. The temperature was a chilly 8º C at 20m, which gave some respite from the surface warmth and was a very welcome contrast.
The group headed to Nemo’s bar afterwards to cool off and get some well-earned hydration, at the same time discussing next steps for training and making plans for more exciting UK dive trips.