The prospect of a sunny day and fine weather prompted some Dacorum Scuba members to put work behind them for a day and head off to sunnier Swanage instead. With recent rumours of “6-8m viz on the Kyarra” still ringing in their ears, it was a tad concerning when they were greeted on the pier by relatively strong winds (locals noting “it’s been strong wind for days”) and rather choppier seas than any were expecting. Plan B of going for a walk with the dogs was out of the window by then; the dogs were probably snoozing at home. Still, Mary Jo of Swanage Boat Charters soon pulled into the pontoon and was loaded; weekday diving meant plenty of space for everyone on board.
The destination was the Carentan, a French submarine chaser which succumbed to a storm in the wintre of 1943. Lying very close to the exceedingly popular Kyarra (both a very short boat ride from Swanage Pier), the Carentan is a much smaller wreck to navigate, though lying in similarly deep water around 30m. With some still relatively upright structure, as well as particular points of interest to look at: an anti-aircraft gun, sonar housing and (yes) toilets being easy to spot, the Carentan is a great wreck to go round one or more times on a single dive.
On the day, the slack window was about 45 minutes and all pairs planned accordingly. Topside it was still choppy when the divers entered, but visibility at the bottom of the shot (secured to the prop shaft) was an easy 4-6m, though still somewhat snotty. All had a good explore, spotting the edible crab trying to hide under a plate near amidships. A large conger eel waited in a tube nearby as well. Current did start to pick up near the end and pairs launched their DSMBs, avoiding the shot as there was a tangle with some other flotsam up-rope, and ascended.
Topside the sun had broken out, the waves had calmed and the day the divers emerged into was a very different one to the one they had left behind. Warm drinks on board then a short sunny ride back to the pier. One member availed herself of the high tide and calm seas to grab a swim around the pier, then all had a bite to eat before braving the traffic home. An unexpectedly great day, enjoyed by all.