Saturday dives: HMS Landrail 32m, James Fennel 18m
Sunday dives: SS Ethel 38m, Grove Point drift, 20-27m
It couldn’t have been better weather for this year’s Tango trip, although our trip organiser was heard to ask for the temperature to be turned down on Saturday morning as we headed around Portland Bill. Despite the calm seas, the viz wasn’t great, but there was plenty of life to be seen on HMS Landrail. After lunch, most pairs found at least some of the scattered wreckage of the James Fennel. Supper was fish and chips at the Old Harbour. On Sunday it was calmer still and after a team breakfast ashore, we headed out to dive SS Ethel. The final dive, drifting off Grove Point, provided a few scallops to take home. Thanks Andy for organising this annual classic.
Jumping in to dive HMS Landrail
This buddy pair had a good dive
The site of the wreck of James Fennel
Sunday’s calm seas
SS Ethel: we found the steering gear
Weymouth beach looking tropical