Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Wraysbury Viz is Amazing

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There are reports of unusually good viz at one of our nearest inland dive sites, the lake at Wraysbury Dive Centre, at the moment.

On Saturday 18 February, Dacorum Scuba members reported diving in a three and being able to see each other several meters apart, with an estimated viz of up to 10 metres in places (ahead of the divers Diving Officer Kevin was keen to point out).

Again on Friday 24 February,  it was possible to see several of the underwater attractions at once: for example you could see more than one platform at once, and clearly see the whole structure, approaching the row of three from the jetty; and you could see the tin boat and the aircraft in one glance, from quite a distance away.

Members are more used to diving at Wraysbury in very poor viz.

The water is still cold at an average of 6 C and the water level is pretty high too.

Dive Centre owner Richard said he thought that the viz would remain good for some months to come.

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